Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 4 BOC: Virtual HMU

Week 4 BOC: Virtual HMU

Being in the photography business is sometimes being in the beauty business as well.  We need contacts in the fashion world for makeup, hair, styling, fashion design, etc.  We also need these contacts for every day clients requesting a full service session.  Sometimes it is hard to narrow down a specific look to go along with your vision.  There’s a new app that will help eliminate some of that stress!

It’s Virtual hair and makeup!  Just take a simple headshot with your phone’s camera, open the image with the app, and go wild!  From the home screen, you can select 100’s of hairstyles, and makeup variations to create a unique look without having to spend hours experimenting!

Who is this app for?  Anyone who is interested in a fun and easy way to try new looks with out having to empty your wallet!  The Virtual HMU app is on sale for a limited time at the low cost of just 99 cents!

Unfortunately…someone has beaten me to the punch.  There is an app out there called Modiface.  It does very similar things to my original idea.  There are several differences, but the premise is the same with both apps.  http://modiface.com/

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